Junk, Jumble and Jollification…

Pink Elephant Pop Up Achiltibuie

De-cluttering? Your trash may well be someone else’s treasure! We’re making use of the shop and prep area in the former Achiltibuie Smokehouse to dip our toes into the world of retail. Selfridges it’s not, but there’s a chance to pick up a bargain or even raise some holiday money by taking a stall and selling your “preloved” clothes or toys – or perhaps your own produce, collectibles or crafts?  It’s also an opportunity to carry out some test marketing for a future business;  to see what your customers think and if you want to take it further. If you do, please get in touch with us as space may be available in the refurbished building.

There’s plenty of space just now – so if you buy something that needs restyling, you can come and paint or dolly it up a bit. We may even run a few upcycling workshops to transform your bargain purchases.

If you wish to take a stall or arrange dropping off your donations please email info@coigachcommunity.org.uk  or phone the office 01854 622 744 or Julia Campbell 01854 622 379 or 07745205 433.  And if you can lend shelves, coat hangers or any other useful shoppy things please get in touch!